"Three Towns, One Earth" Neighborhood and Roadside Clean-up

From Thursday, April 22nd to Sunday, April 25th, Join Arundel Conservation Trust, Kennebunkport Conservation Trust and Kennebunk Land Trust as we celebrate Earth Day 2021. Our #3towns1earth Roadside Cleanup will bring communities of people in Arundel, Kennebunk, and Kennebunkport outdoors to clean up the place that we live and love!! Trash pick-up, reflective vests and trash grabbers will be available for those who need them. If you plan to take part please sign-up via this form to pledge your involvement and to indicate whether or not you'll need town pick-up of your collection! Together we can all make a difference for our communities, and Mother Earth...together.
Share your photos on social media to spread the word and to encourage others to get outdoors!