Skillet Toss Not a Flash in the Pan

As the Arundel Conservation Trust (ACT) becomes more involved in Arundel’s community activities, we’re trying hard to bring some fun to the mix. ACT was graciously invited to be a participant in last week’s Arundel Heritage Day celebration, which is put on annually by the Arundel Historical Society.
Thankfully, we have some creative folks on our board. The perpetually fun Linda Zuke suggested our approach to the event, hosting the ACT’s 1st Annual Ladies Skillet Throwing Contest - and it was a great success!
I have to be honest; when I first heard the suggestion, I was a little “confused.” I came to learn that throwing skillets is supposedly an old British country fair sporting event, in which a contestant hurls cast iron skillet with an underhand heave (no whirling about, like throwing a discus) as far as possible. And, keeping with tradition, there are no practice throws allowed either!
We hosted two classes of participants; Junior (age 18-40) and Senior (41 and over) and, to our delight, over 30 intrepid “skillet-throwers” registered to participate! So, on a beautiful late summer day in September, cast iron skillets went flying down the grassy field in Arundel to the cheering of an enthusiastic crowd of onlookers (and a few curious horses standing nearby!)
Farm + Table of Cape Porpoise was a generous sponsor of the contest, donating beautiful gift baskets for our winners. First place in the Junior group was won by Carrie Foster, with a heroic
throw of 61 feet and second place was taken by Catherine Rush with a 55 foot 7 inch toss. In the fiercely contested Senior event, first place was claimed by Robyn Labbe, who heaved her iron skillet an impressive 53 feet. Second place was taken in a close contest by Becky Jacobs, who threw 52 and a half feet. Congratulations to our winners!
Arundel Heritage Day was a terrific event and we were glad to be a part of it. With such a fantastic amount of enthusiasm around the Skillet Toss, it promises to be an annual ACT contribution to the Heritage Day Celebration! Don’t miss it next year! Follow us on Facebook to receive information about future events we sponsor.